Prof. Mager has been Professor of Public Law at the University of Heidelberg since the winter semester 2004/05.
One of her main research interests is the constitutional law of religions. She comments in particular on Art. 4 GG (freedom of faith and conscience as well as conscientious objection) and Art. 140 GG, which incorporates the so-called Staatskirchenrecht of the Weimar Reichsverfassung (Art. 136 — 141 WRV) into the GG, in Ingo von Münch/Philip Kunig (eds.), Grundgesetz-Kommentar, Munich, 6th ed. 2012. The book “Religionsfreiheit und Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter — Spannungen und ungelöste Konflikte” (Religious Freedom and Gender Equality — Tensions and Unresolved Conflicts), co-edited by her and Juliane Kokott, emerged from an international symposium at the International Science Forum Heidelberg (IWH) (Tübingen 2014).
Work Area:
III. Theology and Jurisprudence
- Legal dogmatics and theological dogmatics