Prof. Konradt’s research interests include Paul, New Testament ethics, the Gospel of Matthew, and Judaism in Hellenistic-Roman times. He is currently working on a comprehensive account of New Testament ethics and is responsible for a DFG-funded project on “Compassion and Mercy in Emerging Christianity and its Environment in Theological, Anthropological, and Ethical Perspectives with Special Consideration of Emotion-Theoretical Issues.” Also in preparation are a short monograph on the theology of the Gospel of Matthew for the New Testament Theology series, commentaries on the Epistles to the Thessalonians (HNT) and Ephesians (EKK), and a monograph on the vita and theology of Paul, in which special attention will be given to the interrelationships of biographical experience and theological development. He is managing editor of the ZNW and further co-editor of the BZNW, the BThSt and the AThANT. Before moving to Heidelberg in 2009, he was full professor of New Testament at the University of Bern from 2003.
Among his publications are the following three monographs: “Christliche Existenz nach dem Jakobusbrief. Eine Studie zu seiner soteriologischen und ethischen Konzeption” (1998), “Gericht und Gemeinde. Studien zur Bedeutung und Funktion von Gerichtsaussagen im Rahmen der paulinischen Ekklesiologie und Ethik im 1 Thess und 1 Kor” (2003), “Israel, Kirche und die Völker im Matthäusevangelium” (2007, English translation and simultaneously updated version: 2014). He also wrote a commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (2015) and published numerous essays in journals and anthologies. Selected essays on the Gospel of Matthew appeared in 2016 in mostly updated versions under the title “Studien zum Matthäusevangelium”.
Work Area:
VIII. Anthropology and ethics of early Christianity
- Reception and transformation of ancient ethical traditions in emerging Christianity
- The Gospel of Matthew and its Hellenistic-Jewish context
- Life and Theology of Paul