Prof. Schwier received his doctorate in New Testament Theology and his habilitation in Practical Theology. In practical theology he represents the departments of homiletics and liturgy. Previously, he taught liturgy at the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik in Herford.
In addition to specialist essays and articles in the Lexikon RGG (4th edition), his publications include: “Tempel und Tempelzerstörung. Untersuchungen zu den theologischen und ideologischen Faktoren im ersten jüdisch-römischen Krieg”, “Die Erneuerung der Agende. Zur Entstehung und Konzeption des Evangelischen Gottesdienstbuches”, “Kanzel, Kreuz und Kamera. Impulse für Gottesdienst und Predigt” (with C. Magin) and “Kirche und Israel / Church and Israel. A Contribution from the Reformation Churches in Europe to the Relationship between Christians and Jews” (ed.), the anthology “Praktische Theologie. Eine Theorie- und Problemgeschichte” (ed. with C. Grethlein) and the two studies on empirical homiletics “Predigt hören” (Listening to Sermons) written with the physicist and media researcher Sieghard Gall.
Research Areas:
VII. The Cultural Power of the Bible and Christian-Jewish Dialogue
XIV. Casual practice and religious change
- Heidelberg Sermon Research Unit
- Empirical Homiletics