Prof. Kruse founded the Institute of Psychology at the University of Greifswald. He is a member of the 15-member expert commission of the UN, chairman of the commission for the Eighth Report on the Elderly of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, and a member of the German Ethics Council (from 2016–2018 as deputy chairman). He is particularly concerned with forms of productive aging, consequences of demographic change, rehabilitation, intervention research, and palliative care.

His publications include the “Enzyklopädie der Gerontologie” (ed., with M. Martin), the “Lehrbuch der Gerontopsychosomatik” (with G. Heuft, H. Radebold), “Gesund altern”, “Das letzte Lebensjahr” and “Wir haben uns als Deutsche gefühlt. Lebensrückblick und Lebenssituationen jüdischer Emigranten und Lagerhäftlinge” (with E. Schmitt). He has also published numerous articles in professional journals.

Work Area:

XIII. Theological diaconal science and social science research


  • Aging in balance
  • Townhall meetings — giving a voice to family caregivers
  • Late effects of trauma in their potential influences on the care of women and men with dementia
  • Ethical issues of technology, especially robotic technology
  • Towards a new — interdisciplinary — understanding of aging in health and care insurance
  • Conflict and stress situations in palliative care for people with cognitive impairment