In her research work, Prof. Nüssel is particularly concerned with the following topics: Concepts of ecclesial unity in Christian confessional cultures, potentials of confessional differentiation, functions of the concept of religion, modern atheism, and theology and neuroscience.
Prof. Nüssel is co-editor of prominent journals and publication series. Her publications include: “Bund und Versöhnung. Zur Begründung der Dogmatik bei Johann Franz Buddeus” (1996); “Allein aus Glauben. Zur Entwicklung der Rechtfertigungslehre in der konkordistischen und frühen nachkonkordistischen Theologie” (2000); “Einführung in die Ökumenische Theologie” (co-edited with Dorothea Sattler) (2008); “Theologische Ethik der Gegenwart. Zentrale Ansätze und Themen” (ed.) (2009).
Research Area:
XI. Potentials of confessional differentiation
- Interdisciplinary project between geronto-psychology, diaconal science and systematic theology: “Potentials of Young and Old Aging. An interdisciplinary exploration of social spaces of possibility of different age groups”
- Interdisciplinary doctoral program Religious Studies (Prof. Bergunder), Ecumenical Theology (Prof. Nüssel), American Studies (Prof. Stievermann), South Asian Studies (Prof. Harder), Japanese Studies (Prof. Krämer): “Global History of Religion from a Regional Perspective: Historicization and Decentering of Religious Identities in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries”
- Multiple Reformations? The Heidelberg-Notre Dame Dialogue on the Legacies of the Reformation Age