The Forschungszentrum Internationale und Interdisziplinaere Theologie (FIIT) at the University of Heidelberg (Research Center for International and Interdisciplinary Theology), Germany
invites applications for
on the topic
(broadly understood)
The Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise 2025 will be given to ten scholars. The celebration of the Awards will take place at the University of Heidelberg in May 2025. The winners will receive a prize of € 3,000 each.
The application deadline for the 2025 Award is June 15, 2024.
Applications have to be based on the accepted doctoral dissertation or first book after the dissertation and can come from all religious traditions and from all academic fields.
The Award intends to rupport early career scholars. Applications have traditionally been restricted to about 35 years of age. It is not possible to apply for a second time after an unsuccessful attempt.
For your application, please send in:
The dissertation or first book published after the dissertation (in the original language);
and the following items (all in English):
- the fully completed Application Form (click here);
- a short statement describing how the dissertation or book addresses or fits the topic ”God and Spirituality“ (broadly understood)
- a fifteen to twenty-page summary of the work in English (please insert page numbers);
- a table of contents of the publication (in English);
- two detailed recommendations in English by tenured professors based on the accepted doctoral dissertation or the published first post-doctoral work. They should be written on official letterhead from the university/college and signed by the professor.
Only complete applications can be considered. Please send all documents (electronic copies) to the following address:
An international, interdisciplinary and multi-religious board of distinguished scholars evaluates and ranks the applications.
For further information, please contact tobias.friesen[at]